Generating & Printing QR Code in TallyPrime

Generating & Printing QR Code in TallyPrime QR code (Quick Response Code) is a convenient way to store all kinds of data or information in a small space. Now customers can add QR Codes in Tally invoices or Tally Reports or TallyPrime Screen depending upon the IRN...

Advance Receipts Summary for VAT in GCC

When advance is received and an invoice is not recorded against the advance in the same period, the taxable person has to pay tax on the amount of advance received. In a taxable period, keeping track of the advance received and creating tax liability for such an...

Reverse Charge Summary for VAT in GCC

Reverse Charge Summary for VAT in GCC This report displays transactions of purchases and journal vouchers recorded under reverse charge. At the bottom of the report, the Summary of Tax Liability is displayed with following columns: Taxable Amount Total Liability...