How to Import Masters from Excel to Tally.ERP9 and TallyPrime


When we migrate from different accounting software to Tally, there is a common requirement to import the Accounting, Inventory, Payroll Masters into Tally.ERP9 or TallyPrime.

We can import masters from various formats i.e. XML, Text, JSON and Excel.

We can directly import masters from XML format into Tally from other company in Tally, or if the XML is written in a predefined XML format which Tally can understands.

As there is no direct import available in Tally for Excel, Text or JSON, we have to use a bridge program, which is written in Tally Definition Language (TDL)


As there is no direct import available in Tally for Excel, JSON or Text Files,there is a bridge program specifically written in TDL as per the format provided.

Every software  extract masters in their own format and thus the TDL is written accordingly.

We have a Tally Add On to Import Excel master, the excel template is provided for each master to be imported. Prepare the template for each Master in the format expected,  you can enter the Masters as well as the opening balance of the Masters.

The Ledger Master can also have the opening balances and if the bill-wise is  enabled for the ledgers can also import the bill wise details of the ledger master. The Stock Item has 4 variations where you can enter the Quantity, Rate and Amount, locations & Batches.

Prepare the data in excel in respective sheet and then with help of TDL we can import the master data from excel to Tally.

You can download the excel template from the link given below..

To get the Bridge program to import masters from excel to Tally, please WhatsApp from the button in right bottom.

The Import Bridge program is also available for other formats, and if you have any specific format we can design the bridge program accordingly.



1 Comment

  1. dinesh

    i want to import masters and vouchers from excel into Tally Prime latest version


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